5 Traits of British Design

We are officially counting down the days until our London trip for the 2024 design et al International Design & Architecture Awards! If you haven’t heard, Reflections was nominated in three categories and Marissa and Katie will be attending the awards ceremony next month. You can vote for us here. Regardless if we win, we

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Before & After: A Nature-Inspired Oasis

When our client came to us and said they were looking to refresh their traditional home to make it feel more like a “Scandinavian tree house,” we knew we had a fun project ahead of us! The home is nestled in a quiet neighborhood with large wall-to-wall windows that look out into the woods, a

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6 Styles That Made a Statement at Market

There are always certain colors, styles, and design details that stand out at High Point Market, the world’s largest interior design show, and this year was no exception. When our team attended for a few days earlier this month, these were six the styles we kept noticing over and over again. Take a look below!

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